05 May 2005

Watching the rain

I live in the foothills northeast of Los Angeles. It has rained a Lot this year. It's raining again today.

I am savouring a few days of vacation this week. I'd hoped to accomplish more, but I get migraines, and this has been a week of them. Thank God for Imitrex, but I still need to rest. And, today, as a special extra blessing, it has rained.

Now, you wouldn't think that was blog-worthy, but in Los Angeles, if one doesn't have sprinklers, the garden must be watered by hand or left to dry out. Even drought-tolerant plants need water. I don't have sprinklers, but have been blessed with a large garden, so am grateful for this year's provision of rain. However, we've had several records broken by the abundance of wet. My heart goes out to those whose property has been damaged, or their lives taken, by too much of this good thing which is soaking my garden this afternoon, and refreshing my soul.

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