19 February 2006

Postcommunion reflections

In my previous post (immediately below), I lamented the loss of "quiet time" after communion. Tony at Catholic Pillow Fight recently went to traditional Latin Mass, and, in the course of a very good post about it, reported that he experienced it differently from the way I did:
I didn't feel like I was worshipping God communally as the Holy Mass is supposed to be. I felt like all the people at mass were worshipping God in their own way. It almost seemed like Eucharistic adoration than the Holy Mass.

There were not a lot of distractions, but there was a decided lack of community. As I said before, Mass is communal prayer, where we join with Catholics the world 'round as one body to praise the God of the universe.
I find it intriguing that he would say, "It almost seemed like Eucharistic adoration than the Holy Mass." Tony, you say that like it's a bad thing. ;)

Seriously, though, it is interesting that he and I would find it so different. I quote his account of his experience here, not only to be fair, but to ask if others agree, and if so, why?


~pen~ said...

i went to a Latin Mass when i was visiting my brother in washington, d.c., at St. Matthew's parish where JFK's funeral Mass was held. it was an incredible experience for me as i am a convert of a mere 10 years old so i never experienced a Latin Mass prior to that time.

it was a truly sensory experience. they had the best choir i had ever had the privilege of listening to, opera-like in nature, and the Mass was so reverent and holy. i was filled to overflowing.

you do have to have an understanding of what is going on and when and why (if you are a regular Mass attendee, this should be no problem for you), and if i had the chance to do it again, i most certainly would jump at it. it was just that amazing to me.

see-through faith said...

interesting. I think community is important in a service, but so is personal time with God

wondering outloud here "It almost seemed like Eucharistic adoration than the Holy Mass." what's the difference?

Anonymous said...

I find it intriguing that he would say, "It almost seemed like Eucharistic adoration than the Holy Mass." Tony, you say that like it's a bad thing. ;)

Of course it's not a bad thing, but it's different than the holy mass, and it's not interchangible.

As a matter of fact, we've gotten our pastor to do benediction after stations of the cross on friday.

And for see-through-faith, the difference is that the holy mass is not only personal communion with God, but with the entire Church (militant, suffering and triumphant). I don't believe that can be best experienced in your own little separate worlds like you are all in your own little rooms.

Of course, many beg to differ with me. That's ok, as long as you remain licit :)