06 March 2012

You are what you eat

16Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts. (Jeremiah 15:16)

This year I have taken on the M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan.  I discovered it in the back of the KJV Master Study Bible, which I obtained when I got homesick for the Holman Master Study Bible which was published in the NASB and is, sadly, no longer in print.  (However, I was able to track down a copy on the ever-useful eBay for a big $10.00.)  I like the M'Cheyne Plan because it is just about four chapters a day, quite manageable, and going through four books at once is wonderful for seeing the threads that go all the way through the books.

The KJV Master Study Bible is unique because it has only cross-references, no in-line notes, and even the cross-references are somewhat sparse.  I'm reading the KJV because, as an English major, I'm always interested in the source of the language patterns and metaphors that influenced thought in England and America from the 1600s on.  Also, while I realize the KJV is a translation, it is considered to be remarkably faithful.  So I've been going along, reading my chapters most days, making up those missed when necessary, and not taking too much time over it.  However, the Word is working on my heart and sensibilities.

I notice it most when watching television.  Movies which I might have been able to tolerate previously now cause me to rise to my feet and politely and quietly move to another room.  I really cannot stand most TV, and virtually no movies after about 1960... but now it's even more obvious as I take in the sacred words, just reading my way through.

There is no substitute for focused Bible reading and study, no matter what church we attend.

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