06 April 2007

The Collision of God and Sin

"Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree." 1 Peter ii. 24.

Never tolerate the idea of martyrdom about the Cross of Jesus Christ.

The Cross did not happen to Jesus: He came on purpose for it... Beware of separating God manifest in the flesh from the Son becoming sin.

The Incarnation was for the purpose of Redemption. God became incarnate for the purpose of putting away sin; not for the purpose of Self-realization.

The centre of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much. The Cross if the point where God and sinful man merge with a crash and the way to life is opened--but the crash is on the heart of God.

Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

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